Tag: NFT Art

photo of Amy Detwiler sitting next to a panda eating a carrot

Amy Detwiler: BannedBooks.Art

photo of Amy Detwiler sitting next to a panda eating a carrot

photo of Amy Detwiler from her Twitter profile https://twitter.com/detwiler_amy

Amy Detwiler is an innovative woman actively contributing to Web3 in many ways. In this episode of the Walk Talk Challenge we focus on her advocacy work launching www.BannedBooks.Art which shines a spotlight on charities with missions that align well with each featured banned book.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is the featured work of the inaugural Banned Books Art Virtual Gallery which opens on June 18, 2022.

To connect with Amy, follow and tweet with her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/detwiler_amy

Visit http://bannedbooks.art to buy your ticket to the virtual gallery. All profits from the June 18th event will go to support the following charities:

Banned Books Art June Charities Screenshot from website https://www.bannedbooks.art/charities/202206/charity-list

screenshot from Banned Books Art website https://www.bannedbooks.art/charities/202206/charity-list



Walk Talk Challenge episodes are live audio conversations with women entrepreneurs recorded on mobile phones while walking. Listeners can expect to hear background sounds from birds to cars and wind blowing to dogs barking, and anything else normally heard while walking outside.

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