Tag: courses

photo of Jennifer Hatton (black and white image)

Jennifer Hatton: Digital and Social Media Strategist

photo of Jennifer Hatton (black and white image)

photo from Jennifer Hatton’s Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/jennifer_hatton

Jennifer Hatton is a Digital and Social Media Strategist with a specialty of Influencer campaign management. Her award-winning work with nonprofits, tourism, and medical industry clients has given her a unique perspective on what it takes to be a success in her field.

She shares how her foray into social media began and shares her most recent interest in serving the medispas industry.  Connect directly with Jennifer by visiting her website: Concept-Evolution.


Looking back now, I wish that I would have taken myself more serious about what I was doing, how hard I was working. What I had to offer, because I think it would have made my entry into being a small business owner a little bit easier.


If you are an up-and-coming social media strategist or interested in expanding your existing skillsets take a look at her available courses.  The most recent course is focused on working with Influencers: Expand Your Skillset in Social Media Management and Influencer Campaigns

Walk Talk Challenge episodes are live audio conversations with women entrepreneurs recorded on mobile phones while walking. Listeners can expect to hear background sounds from birds to cars and anything else normally heard while walking outside.